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    Promote For 75% Commission



    75% Commission on this $4.95 product on Dime-sale of up to $9.95.


      “How to Earn a 6 Figures Income A Year, While Living the Digital Warrior Lifestyle… working 2 Hours per Day”


      ‘…plus 4 Main Core of Digital Warrior Lifestyle and my complete 2 System of Marketing and Sales’



      • OTO 1 : 25% on Recurring Newsletter ($10/month)

      • OTO 2: 25% on Recurring Newsletter Pro Version ($49/month)


      Reason #1
      Enjoy money that doesn’t stop and keeps coming in on autopilot 

      Launches are good for sporadic income and winning prizes.  But once the launch is over, the money stops dead.

      But when you add my free product system to your thank you pages, autoreponder, download pages, and Facebook group pinned posts, you get regular, consistent income.

      Reason #2
      Get paid MORE due to the premium products sold via email follow up

      I follow up with emails for other premium-pricied products and recurring billing offers. Virtually no one does this.  And these aren’t low-priced products. These are premium-priced products, designed to earn you nice chunks of cash.

      These products are tested, proven sellers. Everything else is battle-tested, including the $49 a month recurring billing offer. And as I test and prove new products, I add them.

      Reason #3
      Set up the promotion once and get paid over and over and over

      You set up the promotion once using our enticing banners, emails and tools.  Then you get paid over and over.  The problem on launches is you go to all the trouble to put together a bonus stack and post launch you get almost no payoff from that time invested.

      With this promotion you get to profit over and over from your setup time.

      Reason #4
      My “front end” products lead right into the HIGH Ticket and HIGH converting Offers

      You can just sell a “front-end” product.  Or you can give away the very valuable free product.  I lead them immediately to a very enticing offer. And that leads to email follow up for it and high-margin products, with more being added.

      What’s more, I’m constantly testing. And if I find another product that converts great guns, I’ll add it, so you know YOUR epc’s or earnings per click you send me are always on my mind.

      Reason #5
      You pocket 50% on the front end, 50% on the OTO’s and 25% on monthly recurring products. Plus 20% from High Ticket Items of $1,997.
      With Products ranging from $47, $67, $97, $247, $497 up to $1,997.

      While launches only pay you on the main offer and OTO’s, this offer is designed to be evergreen on your thank you pages and autoresponder. So I up the ante by paying you on premium-priced follow up offers that are proven converters.



      How to Earn a 6 Figures Income A Year, While Living the Digital Warrior Lifestyle… working 2 Hours per Day.

      The Digital Warrior Lifestyle gives you choices. Giving you the Lifestyle that most people want.

      Be Both Financially Rich and Time-Rich (also known as Financial Freedom and Time Freedom.).



      How to Earn a 6 Figures Income A Year, While Living the Digital Warrior Lifestyle… working 2 Hours per Day.

      Imagine if you could stop work right now, hope on a plane and travel to any location that you wish and take a short or extended holiday.

      You can choose to work during the vacation or not to. You can choose to do volunteering work, support a charity, fight a cause, while continuing your business anywhere in the world.

      That’s the Digital Warrior Lifestyle!

      Digital -> Method
      Warrior -> Mindset
      Lifestyle -> Results

      That Is why my friend, Vinn Liu wrote the Digital Warrior Lifestyle Secrets” PowBook.

      Now, he do not own some fancy sports cars or live in a mansion. Just a normal guy who live with his family, with a comfortable, time-rich lifestyle, funded by his own online business. Time-rich because he work 2 hours per day, most of the time, and yet he earn a mid 6-figure income per year.

      Now his system helped Burnt Out Individual to Overcome Overwhelm & Limitation, so they can earn a 6 figure income while working 2 hours a day.

      The PowBook is now available for just $4.95, but hurry because it is on dime-sales and prices goes up with each sales.



      All Sales Are Tracked and Paid By
      Warriorplus Automatically
      Using Their Wallet System

      The great thing about this system is you KNOW you’ll get paid.  No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

      I really like the way they use a wallet system to put your commissions into. Then you withdraw the money from your wallet.  This gives your Paypal or merchant account a layer of protection.


      Vinn Liu